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Site Investigator vs. Sponsor SAE Causality: Are they different?

Causality assessments may differ between the site investigator and sponsor. It is important to understand the difference in assessments to ensure proper reporting and conduct through a trial. To better understand how to handle these situations it’s important to understand the differences.

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What We Learned at PhUSE US Connect

The three-day event attracted over 580 data scientists, biostatisticians, statistical programmers, and IT professionals from across the US and around the world to focus on the theme of “Transformative Current and Emerging Best Practices.” Here is a round-up of some of the main themes of the conference and trends for our industry.

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Cellular Therapy Studies: 7 Common Challenges

Cellular therapy has become increasingly-popular largely due to the fact that cells have the ability to carry out many complex functions that drugs cannot. When successful, cellular therapy can result in a more targeted and thus more effective treatment.

Derek Lawrence
Blog Post

Challenges in Clinical Data Management: Findings from the Tufts CSDD Impact Report

The most recent Impact Report from the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development presented the results of a study including nearly 260 sponsor and CRO companies into clinical data management practices and experience. These findings represent the challenges those of us in clinical data management are struggling with given the current state of the clinical research industry and technological changes.

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Revised Draft Guidance: Formal Meetings with the FDA for Drug Products

On 29 December 2017, the FDA released a revised draft guidance “Formal Meetings Between the FDA and Sponsors or Applicants of PDUFA Products.”  This draft guidance replaces the previous draft guidance posted in 2015 on this topic.  According to the draft guidance, from this point in time there will be 4 types of formal meetings with FDA staff. Read more to get the details on each one.

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What Makes a SuperheRho: More Than a Coworker in a Cape

“Who’s your favorite superhero?” Regardless of who you choose the idea behind it is the same: who is someone you look up to, someone who can do anything incredibly. What we often forget is that we actually have superheroes around us every day, in real life—and at Rho.

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Highlights from TEDMED 2017

After attending TEDMED 2017, we wanted to share highlights of the themes that were most interesting to us. Check out our summaries on Understanding the Brain, Delivering Healthcare on the Frontlines, The Opioid Crisis and The Hive.

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Breaking Bad (Meetings)

To meet or not to meet? Meetings don’t have to be a source of frustration or disruption.  To the contrary, meetings can be some of the most productive times of our day – where we solve problems, brainstorm, and find creative inspiration – provided we execute them properly.